Race Formats
POINTS RACE distances will vary between 4.4km and 9km (course dependent)
3 runners per team + 1 alternate (optional as tie breaker). In case of a tie with no alternate runner, we will take the highest placed 3rd runner from both teams as the tie breaker. Teams fielding less than 3 runners in an event will not recieve any LEAGUE POINTS.
The points race is scored Cross Country style, meaning your literal finishing place is the amount of points you scored for the team, lower the better.
- 1st place = 1 point
- 2nd place = 2 points
- 3rd place = 3 points
This also means the points race is all about head to head racing and less about time. Beat a runner by 1 second or 15 seconds – you earn the same points.
Each team will consist of exactly 3 Zwift runners and will designate their own order of running. This does not need to be provided to WTRL.
You are welcome to include your 4th runner in the pen (in case of technical pre-start difficulties) but ANYONE crossing the line will be included as part of the team – 4 runners crossing the start banner (defined as the orange banner that crosses the front of the pen) would award a disqualification.
Each TEAM RELAY RACE is a FIXED 2KM distance starting from the pens and finishing at a blue gate that crosses the road at the 2km mark.
- RUNNER ONE will start as soon as the gate opens and complete their distance (2.0km).
- RUNNER TWO and THREE cannot leave the pen! IF you do your team will be Given a 20 second penalty.
- RUNNER TWO can only start running ONCE Runner One finishes their 2km leg. Runner Two can either fan view runner One or be alerted by teammates on Discord (or your choice of comms (Zoom, Skype, Google etc) when Runner One is finished.
- RUNNER THREE will follow the same format and can ONLY start once Runner Two finishes their 2km Leg.
The Relay will be complete when the 3rd and Final Runner crosses the finish line. and will record the teams final time.
League Points are issued to teams after all events for each stage have taken place. Teams are ranked and then 20 points awarded to the team with the LOWEST total of points scored for Points Races and for Team Relay Races, the highest ranking/fastest (1st place) team in their team’s CITY CLASS.
Points then cascade down in 1 point increments throughout the league/City Class with all teams receiving the minimum 1 point from 20th place onwards.
Teams fielding LESS than 3 team members for POINTS RACES are ranked AFTER teams with the correct number of team members but also then receive 50% points. Relay races REQUIRE 3 team members to score any points.
Zwift Running League Points Races use a Cross Country Scoring system. Your finishing position in the class are the points you score. 1st place gets 1 point, 2nd place gets 2 points and so on. The lower your score the better. After all 7 events or ‘Zones’ for the race week are complete, scores are totalled for each team.
Runners racing in a City Class who are found to be of higher calibre than permitted will be ranked by time AFTER those in the correct City Class. This results in a much higher runner score/lower team ranking.
Zwift Running League Relay Races take each of the 3 team members time over the distance and add them together to award a team time.
Once all events have completed for each race week, League Points are awarded to each team. The team in 1st place receives 20 points, 2nd place receives 19 and so on with all teams receiving at least 1 point.
For Points Races, if your team fields 1 or 2 runners, you will still earn league points but at half their value. ie Team Ranked 6th would normally recieve 15 points if using a full team compliment of 3 or 4 runners but would receive 8 (rounded up) for fielding 1 or 2 members.
Relay races REQUIRE 3 finishers to obtain league points.